Quick Start


Given the query and document, ranking models aim to calculate the matching score between them.

import torch
import OpenMatch as om

query = "Classification treatment COVID-19"
doc = "By retrospectively tracking the dynamic changes of LYM% in death cases and cured cases, this study suggests that lymphocyte count is an effective and reliable indicator for disease classification and prognosis in COVID-19 patients."

Traditional IR models

We extract several classic IR features, and train learning-to-rank models, such as RankSVM, Coor-Ascent, on ClueWeb09-B, Robust04 and TREC-COVID datasets with 5 fold cross-validation. All the results can be found in our paper of ACL 2021.

The features consists of Boolean AND; Boolean OR; Coordinate match; Cosine similarity of bag-of-words vectors; TF-IDF; BM25; language models with no smoothing, Dirichlet smoothing, JM smoothing, and two-way smoothing. More details are available at classic_extractor.

OpenMatch provides several classic IR feature extractors. Document collection is needed for the creation of inverted dict. The parameter “docs” is a dict for all documents: “docs[docid] = doc”.

corpus = om.Corpus(docs)
docs_terms, df, total_df, avg_doc_len = corpus.cnt_corpus()
query_terms, query_len = corpus.text2lm(query)
doc_terms, doc_len = corpus.text2lm(doc)
extractor = om.ClassicExtractor(query_terms, doc_terms, df, total_df, avg_doc_len)
features = extractor.get_feature()

Pretrained IR models

OpenMatch inherients parameters of pretrained language models from hugginface’s trasnformers.

from transformers import AutoTokenizer

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased")
input_ids = tokenizer.encode(query, doc)
model = om.models.Bert("allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased")
ranking_score, ranking_features = model(torch.tensor(input_ids).unsqueeze(0))

Neural IR models

tokenizer = om.data.tokenizers.WordTokenizer(pretrained="./data/glove.6B.300d.txt")
query_ids, query_masks = tokenizer.process(query, max_len=16)
doc_ids, doc_masks = tokenizer.process(doc, max_len=128)
model = om.models.KNRM(vocab_size=tokenizer.get_vocab_size(),
ranking_score, ranking_features = model(torch.tensor(query_ids).unsqueeze(0),

The pretrained word embeddings (GloVe) can be downloaded using:

wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.6B.zip -P ./data
unzip ./data/glove.6B.zip -d ./data


metric = om.Metric()
res = metric.get_metric(qrels, ranking_list, 'ndcg_cut_20')
res = metric.get_mrr(qrels, ranking_list, 'mrr_cut_10')